Melvin Malemba

Law and Behold Our Team Melvin Malemba

Melvin Malemba

Founder, Law and Behold

Melvin Kioko Malemba, known to many as Malemba, is a distinguished law student and the visionary founder of Law and Behold. Law and Behold stands as more than just a legal platform; it’s a dynamic catalyst fostering empowerment, enlightenment, and community within the realms of law and social justice. Rooted in three foundational principles, Melvin Malemba’s mission is dedicated to serving learners, advocates for justice, and legal practitioners alike.

In addition to his role at Law and Behold, Malemba works at Amnesty International Kenya under the Communications and Engagement Department, where he plays a crucial role in amplifying voices for human rights. Demonstrating his leadership and commitment to human rights advocacy, he founded the Amnesty International Africa Nazarene University Chapter, creating a significant impact on his campus community.

Malemba’s dedication extends to his volunteer work with various organizations, including the Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya (FIDA), where he has contributed to advancing women’s rights and justice.

His oratory skills have been recognized through accolades such as winning the Best Orator award during the Kianjokoma Debate at Kabarak University. His expertise in Digital Rights, one of his key interests in the legal field, has led to numerous speaking engagements where he shares his insights and advocates for the protection of digital freedoms.

At Africa Nazarene University Law School, Melvin Malemba has demonstrated exceptional leadership capabilities, serving as the head of various clubs, including the the Mooting Society, Debate Club, Hult Prize and the Africa Nazarene Mentorship Association. His leadership and passion for debate have fostered a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment for his peers.

Furthermore, as a dedicated Rotaractor, Malemba embodies the spirit of service and community engagement, consistently working towards the betterment of society.

With his unwavering commitment to legal excellence, human rights advocacy, and community leadership, Malemba continues to inspire and influence the next generation of legal professionals in East Africa.

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