Yvonne Wambugu

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Yvonne Wambugu

Chief Financial Officer, Law and Behold

As the Chief Finance Officer and Merchandise Director of Law and Behold, Yvonne Wambugu is dedicated to promote psychosocial support for lawyers, law students, clients and the community at large. Her mission and vision is to make everyone who wants to be heard and justice to be served is provided for a safe space that enables them to freely open up.

Yvonne leverages her expertise on finance and sales to promote and expand Law and Behold’s network and reach, ensuring the platform offers the correct strategies for ensuring everyone is in the right headspace. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s in Psychology at Africa Nazarene University, with a focused interest in Abnormal Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Clinical Psychology.

Yvonne’s passion for psychology intertwined with law is driven by the desire to defend the mental health of the minors, less fortunate and those seeking justice. She believes that the mind is a powerful tool that everyone should protect.

When she is not immersed in the psychological world, Yvonne is an avid music lover who enjoys Kenyan music and a farming enthusiast. She finds her inspiration in exploring new ways of thinking and reading philosophical books. She thrives in an engaged learning environment and is well known for her sharp skills.

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